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spanish grammar

why learning spanish is difficult

Why some people find learning Spanish easier than others?

I speak to a lot of students about learning Spanish and there are always mixed views as to how easy or hard it is. There is no obvious correlation to those who find it easier than others, it’s not like all women aged 47 who are lawyers and already speak two other languages say they find it easy whilst all men aged 27 who work in restaurants and are keen surfers find it difficult. So I’ve done some digging and have actually found some common ground. So in this blog post I share with you why some people find it easier than others to learn Spanish and what you can do to make your language learning much easier, and sooo much more fun.

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learn Spanish at the haridressers

How to prepare for a visit to the Hairdressers

Do you dread the thought of going to the hairdressers in a Spanish speaking country? Would you rather wait until you get home or take the scissors to your hair yourself than go and have to sit and struggle through a very painful hairdressing appointment? Well in today’s blogpost you’re going to learn some Spanish vocabulary and phrases that will make your hairdressing experience in a Spanish speaking country much more enjoyable.

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Spanish grammar

Talking about the past in Spanish: Preterit V’s Imperfect

I put a shoutout to some of my students recently and I asked them what would help them at the moment with where they’re at with their Spanish. There were quite a few topics that came up so I’m going to start making my way through them starting with this one; the preterit and the imperfect. So, if the difference between the preterit and the imperfect tenses has ever puzzled you, this blogpost is for you.

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The secret to sounding like a native!

Spanish Idioms and Expressions: Sound Like a Native

Learning a new language is not just about mastering grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about understanding the nuances and cultural contexts that make the language come alive. One of the best ways to achieve this is by learning idiomatic expressions. In Spanish, idioms add color and depth to the language, helping you sound more like a native speaker. Let’s explore some common Spanish idioms and expressions that you can start using today.

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How to Say where you're from in Spanish

How to say where you are from in Spanish

The main mistake that people make when they are in a conversation with somebody and they are asked or they want to talk about where they’re from is they confuse the verb vivir, which means to live, with the verb ser, to be, where you’re actually from. So one thing is where you live, and the other thing is where you’re from.

So, in this blogpost, I thought I’d take you back to basics and recap how to say where you’re from in Español. We’re not doing where you live, we’ll save that for another post.¿Listo? ¡Vamos!

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Spanish scrabble

12 most commonly misspelled words in Spanish

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¡Bienvenidos! Are you ready to sharpen your Spanish language skills and become a spelling superstar? Whether you’re just starting out or already well on your way to fluency, mastering proper spelling is crucial for effective communication. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of correct spelling in Spanish and delve into the top 12 most commonly misspelled words. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging – we’ll also provide some handy tips and resources to help you improve your spelling skills. So grab a pen and paper (or open up that digital notebook) because it’s time to dive into the world of Spanish spelling perfection!

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