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We’ve put together a range of fantástico (very brilliant) resources absolutely gratis (that’s FREE) to support you or the young learner in your life along your Spanish adventure. Access them on this page. If you like them do recommend them to your friends, and if you’re feeling kind leave us a review 😉

FREE Spanish lessons for kids

Spanish Colours

Teach children the colours in Spanish. Comes with Free video lesson.

Scavenger Hunt

Keep the kids entertained at the airport with this great Airport Scavenger hunt game.

Free Spanish lesson

Free Taster Lesson

Date for our next FREE 30 minute Spanish Taster Lessons 29/10/24 & 01/11/24

FREE Spanish lessons for adults

50 Useful Phrases

50 Super Useful Spanish phrases to help you progress with your Spanish.

Spanish Starter Kit

Access to the five most important rules you need to know to get started in Spanish.


Access to over 100 Spanish lesson for free. New lessons updated Wed & Fri.

Issues accessing any of these? Email