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The 3 biggest problems Spanish learners in the UK face

If you live in the UK or the US and you’re finding it difficult to move forward with your Spanish it’s probably due to one of these three problems:
1. Lack of Immersion
2. Pronunciation and Accent Differences
3. Grammar and Verb Conjugations

To help in this blog post I’m going to go through each one in more detail and give you an actionable solution that will get you moving again!

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Liverpool cathedral

Five ways to practice your Spanish in Liverpool

Yes, you read that right. In this blog post you’ll discover five ways you can practice your Spanish out & about in Liverpool. Practicing Spanish like the methods outlined in this blog post can greatly enhance your fluency and comprehension, providing a well-rounded learning experience without the need to travel. I’m an advocate for language immersion and seeking out connections of the target language in your local community. Liverpool as all major cities attracts a lot of European visitors so there are many ways you can practice your Spanish here.

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kissing etiquette in Spain

Kissing Etiquette in Spanish-Speaking Countries: A Guide to Social Smooches

Kissing as a form of greeting and farewell is a cherished tradition in many Spanish-speaking countries. Understanding the nuances of this cultural practice is key to navigating social interactions with grace and respect. Whether you’re traveling, studying, or building relationships in these regions, here’s an engaging guide to kissing etiquette in Spanish-speaking countries.

Read More »Kissing Etiquette in Spanish-Speaking Countries: A Guide to Social Smooches
Listen to Spanish music

Unlocking Wellness: The Surprising Health Benefits of Learning Spanish

In a world where the pursuit of wellness often focuses on physical fitness and nutrition, the role of language learning in promoting overall health might come as a surprise. However, delving into the realms of language acquisition, particularly learning Spanish, can offer an array of unexpected health benefits. Beyond just expanding your linguistic repertoire, mastering Spanish can positively impact both your mental and physical well-being. Let’s explore how embracing this vibrant language can lead to a healthier, happier you.

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Mental health awareness week 2024

10 Health Benefits of Learning Spanish: For Mental Health Awareness Week

As it’s Mental Health Awareness Week next week (Monday 13th May to Sunday 19th May), I thought a post about the health benefits of learning Spanish would be useful. Mental Health Week serves as an important opportunity to prioritize mental health awareness, destigmatize conversations about mental illness, and promote a culture of compassion, understanding, and support for all individuals impacted by mental health challenges. If you haven’t picked up your Spanish books for a while, this is a great opportunity.

Read More »10 Health Benefits of Learning Spanish: For Mental Health Awareness Week