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Latin America

How do you know when you’re fluent in Spanish?

Scuba diving in taganga

I studied Spanish throughout high school. I took a break through College and University but then went on to live in South America – Spanish became my second language.

The five years I studied Spanish at school gave me a good base to build on but it did by no stretch of the imagination make me a “Latin Spanish” speaker…this I found out very quickly upon my arrival in Caracas, Venezuela!!!  Read More »How do you know when you’re fluent in Spanish?

gran sabana venezuela

Five reasons Venezuela should be in your travel plans

In my early twenties after finishing my PR Degree in Leeds I booked a flight to Venezuela. To Caracas – the closest South American airport to the UK. My plan was to explore the length and breadth of South America, country by country with no fixed time frame. Working and travelling my way around.  At the time I arrived in Venezuela Hugo Chavez was president and the country was in turmoil. Not that I noticed to be honest (true story I’m ashamed to say), I simply wanted to relax on a Caribbean beach so I headed straight for Isla Magarita to see what was in store for me.  

Read More »Five reasons Venezuela should be in your travel plans