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5 Ways to Boost Your Spanish Language Learning

So, you’ve decided to learn Spanish as you’re fed up of always resorting back to English (or hand signals) after a lame attempt to communicate with locals when you’re on holiday. Good for you! You’ve found a course or tutor to get you started and you’re off… But you soon realise that one or two 60 minute lessons a week just isn’t going to cut it for you, after all you want to be FLUENT in time for your next holiday right?


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Everything you need to know about OnLine Language Learning for kids

Earlier this year in February I launched my On Line Spanish classes for children aged 7-11 years.  These six-week courses have been running successfully at maximum capacity (with a waiting list) for two terms now.  For those (parents aswell as children) who have never tried On Line learning the whole prospect can be somewhat daunting, seem un-natural and well down-right scary. I’ve written this blog post to answer some of the most common questions I get asked by parents & students as well as to try to address some of the issues surrounding On Line Language Learning for children and how to make the most out of Online language lessons. Read More »Everything you need to know about OnLine Language Learning for kids

The Pros (& Cons?) of OnLine Language Lessons

I’ve been teaching Spanish here in the UK for almost five years now and am thrilled to see the number of students I teach increase year upon year. Since the beginning of 2016 I started to transition existing students over to OnLine lessons and offer OnLine lessons as a first option to new students.  Some students embrace the change, others are more reserved.  But what are the Pros and Cons of OnLine teaching? And why do I recommend it over face-to-face in person lessons? This blog post answers those questions…Read More »The Pros (& Cons?) of OnLine Language Lessons

Easter in Argentina: Music & Tradition

In South America Easter Week; Semana Santa is one of the most anticipated holidays.  As Argentina is predominately a Catholic country there are many regional and local celebrations all over the country during Semana Santa.

In Argentina pascua is celebrated as the resurrection of Christ with carnivals, music and dancing aswell as traditional food.  Music with the Charango is played.  The charangoguitarra criolla” is a small Andean stringed instrument, which originated in the Quechua and Aymara populations in post-Columbian times. The instrument is widespread today throughout the Andean regions of Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, northern Chile and northwestern Argentina.  The tuning of the Charango is very similar to a ukulele, you can use the familiar ukulele chords to play it. The scary part about the charango however is that it is traditionally made from the shell of an armadillo!Read More »Easter in Argentina: Music & Tradition