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Exam options for learning Spanish

I teach over 50+ students a week in a variety of courses and classes. I have a growing Facebook group and active Email list. No, don’t worry this post isn’t about how great I am, moreover just how varied learners are.

Adults language-learning goals tend to be quite different to young learners. Adults are usually focused on improving their Spanish for health or cultural reasons, they want a more enriching travel experience, or they have Spanish family they’d like to communicate with better.

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To give or not to give? Giving to beggars on the streets of Latin America

Those of us that have spent time in under-developed countries – whether it be as a tourist passing through for a few days or a longer stay for work or an immersive holiday – have at some point found ourselves face-to-face with someone less fortunate who is on the street begging.

The beggar we come across may be just a child or it may be a whole family – which ever scenario we encounter we are faced with the decision…to give or not to give!

Read More »To give or not to give? Giving to beggars on the streets of Latin America

How do you know when you’re fluent in Spanish?

Scuba diving in taganga

I studied Spanish throughout high school. I took a break through College and University but then went on to live in South America – Spanish became my second language.

The five years I studied Spanish at school gave me a good base to build on but it did by no stretch of the imagination make me a “Latin Spanish” speaker…this I found out very quickly upon my arrival in Caracas, Venezuela!!!  Read More »How do you know when you’re fluent in Spanish?