What makes Argentine Ice cream so special?
July is National Ice Cream month in the UK and US what better opportunity than to bring the World of Argentine ice cream to your… Read More »What makes Argentine Ice cream so special?
Kelly is owner and head tutor at Adventures in Spanish. She has been creating and delivering fun and engaging Spanish lessons for learners of all ages and abilities since she returned to the UK in 2014 following an epic 20-year Adventure in South America. Check out how our Spanish courses can support you or the young learner in your life along your Spanish-learning journey here; www.adventuresinspanish.co.uk
July is National Ice Cream month in the UK and US what better opportunity than to bring the World of Argentine ice cream to your… Read More »What makes Argentine Ice cream so special?
Today (July 6th) is World Kiss Day so what better day to write about the kissing culture in Spanish-speaking countries across the globe. From handshakes… Read More »To kiss or not to kiss?
I recently asked members of my Facebook group how they would say “I’m looking for a job” in Spanish – the responses were varied and… Read More »How to say you’re looking for something in Spanish
I’ve built up a large library of Spanish literature over the years. It spans from baby books to novels by Mutis and Gabrile Garcia Marquez.… Read More »Spanish literature for Adult Beginners
Loosely put muy means ‘very’ and mucho ‘a lot or many’. So why is there so much confusion around these two words? It comes from… Read More »Muy V’s Mucho
We’re busy, everyone is busy! So how do you build learning Spanish (or any new language for that matter) into your already busy schedule without… Read More »How to create a language learning routine that works FOR you
Por or Para? Both mean “for” in Spanish but how do you know which to use when? When you first start learning Spanish this doesn’t… Read More »Por V’s Para – Part #1
I completely misunderstood the appropriate use of a word in Spanish once… Back in 2004 I founded a Travel Agency in Mendoza Wine Country. We… Read More »Make mistakes in Spanish
Learning Spanish numbers can be a bit of a drag. Flashcards, Duolinguo, repetition…yawn! But it’s important you know them (obvs!), I mean how else will… Read More »Fun with Spanish numbers
One thing I always talk about is how important it is to reach out and make Spanish connections in your local community. This could be,… Read More »Search out connections in your local community