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6 Ways Learning Spanish can Save You Money When you Travel

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll have heard me talk about how learning Spanish can save you money when you travel to a Spanish -speaking country. However, some people are still dubious to the cost-saving efficiency of this. So, in this weeks blog post I thought I’d discuss the main six ways that you can save money on your next trip to a Spanish-speaking country by learning the lingo before you go! ¿Listo? ¡Vamos…!

#1 Avoiding Tourist Traps

Knowing Spanish allows you to communicate more effectively with locals, giving you access to insider tips on where to find the best and most affordable places to eat, shop, and explore. You’re less likely to fall into tourist traps that tend to be more expensive.

learning Spanish helps you travel better

#2 Negotiating Prices

In many Spanish-speaking countries, bargaining is a common practice, especially in markets and smaller shops. Being able to negotiate in Spanish can often result in lower prices for souvenirs, transportation, and other goods and services.

#3 Understanding Transportation

Understanding Spanish can be invaluable when navigating public transportation systems, such as buses, trains, and taxis. It allows you to ask for directions, inquire about fares, and clarify routes without relying solely on tourist information or expensive private transportation options.

#4 Reading Menus and Signs

Being able to read menus, signs, and labels in Spanish can help you make informed decisions about where to eat and what to buy, ensuring that you’re getting the best value for your money. It also reduces the likelihood of ordering something you didn’t want or expect. Read this related blog post for tips on how to ensure dining out helps you progress with your Spanish The Thrifty Language Learner’s Guide

#5 Engaging in Homestays or Budget Accommodations

If you’re open to staying with local families or in budget accommodations, speaking Spanish can make these experiences more rewarding and affordable. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with hosts on a deeper level and potentially negotiate lower rates. Check out our next Spanish Immersion Trip to Málaga, Spain in October for the opportunity to stay with a local Spanish family and practice your Spanish

#6 Accessing Free Activities and Events

Many cities offer free or low-cost cultural activities, events, and attractions. Knowing Spanish can help you find out about these opportunities through local advertisements, websites, or conversations with residents, allowing you to enjoy your travels without breaking the bank. Related blog post 15 Tips for a Greener Holiday – How to Travel More Sustainably

Overall, learning Spanish enhances your travel experience by empowering you to interact more authentically with locals, navigate your surroundings with confidence, and make informed decisions that can save you money along the way.

Contact us today so we can help you start saving dinero on your next trip to a Spanish-speaking country.