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Home ยป Blog ยป 10 Great reasons you need to start learning Spanish today!

10 Great reasons you need to start learning Spanish today!

1.It’s mighty good for your brain – is proven to increase creativity, improve your ability to multi-task, improve your memory and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

2. It’s the second most widely spoken language in the World! Over 475 million people speak it – which means you’ll have loads more people to get to know.

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3. You’ll know your papa from your Papa (very important – contact me directly if you have no idea what this means ๐Ÿ˜‰

4. You’ll be able to understand the lyrics to songs like “Despacito” and realise that it’s not the best song to play full blast with your kids.

5. You’ll have waaaaay more work possibilities.

6. There are literally thousands of cognates in Spanish. Cognates are words that are the same or similar to English – so it makes learning Spanish much easier than other languages.

7. You’ll be helping the environment – by travelling more sustainably (read this blog post for more information on the positive impact on the environment you’ll have if you learn Spanish).

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8. You’ll get LOADS more value from your trips to Spanish-speaking countries.

9. Because Spanish is very nearly phonetically perfect, you can look at almost any word and immediately know exactly how to pronounce it. This characteristic makes Spanish one of the easiest languages to learn. And, when it comes to learning a third language, such as French or Italian, already knowing Spanish will be a huge advantage because these languages, too, are Romance Languages.

10. It’s easily accessible. There are sooooo many resources, tutors, courses, songs and free lessons out there to learn Spanish it’s relatively easy to start – you just need to be organised!

So, there you have it. 10 great reasons to start learning Spanish today. And if you’re ready why not get in touch and see how Adventures in Spanish can help.

Kelly Thornhill

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