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Top 10 Spanish Phrases

*Updated 06/08/24* A great way to boost your Spanish is by learning key phrases off by heart, recording yourself saying them and listening back helps you get to know your “Spanish-self”. Here are my Top 10 Spanish Phrases to get you started.

Number 10

 If you want to ask somebody if something is wrong we say – ¿pasa algo?

Number 9

We have a phrase to say that the food somebody just cooked you is absolutely delicious we say: ¡Qué rico!

Number 8

One of the words that people get wrong when they are first starting to learn Spanish is to tell somebody ‘No problem’ we say: No problema. We don’t say: No problemo.

Number 7

If you want to tell somebody ‘Sorry, I don’t understand’ we say: Disculpa, no entiendo.

Number 6

If you want to say ‘I haven’t got a clue’ which is something I say quite a lot actually, we say: No tengo idea.

Number 5

If somebody asks you something and you’re not quite sure what to say back, you can say ‘Good question!’ in Spanish: Buena pregunta!

Number 4

You’ve understood what they’ve said but don’t quite agree. You can say: No me parece.

Number 3

This is a fabulous way to get a conversation going and for you to practice your masculin and feminine nouns, singulars and plurals, simply by asking: Qué es eso? ‘What’s that?’

Number 2

You’re saying goodbye to somebody, you’re going to see them later so you say: Bueno, adios! Nos vemos. Whatever it is you’re going to say and then at the end of it you can say: Cuidate! Which is ‘take care’.

Number 1

Probably one of my favourite phrases in Spanish and as soon as I learnt to use it I was using it all the time. It’s unique and it kind of sums up the feeling as if to say ‘Oh if only’ and the word is: Ojala!

Bueno, ojala that you’ve enjoyed this blogpost. ¡Hasta la proxima, cuidate! ¡Adios!

Want some help with the pronunciation? Watch the lesson below.