Site icon Adventures in Spanish

Search out connections in your local community

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One thing I always talk about is how important it is to reach out and make Spanish connections in your local community. This could be, finding out your neighbour is from Mexico and popping round to introduce your self with a friendly hola or booking a table regularly at your nearest Tapas restaurant and practicing with the owner or waiter.

Where I live is pretty secluded. I’m right out on the tip of the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales, population 450. You’d think it would be impossible to make any sort of Spanish connection here right?

Wrong! I found many;

Connections are out there – you just need to look for them.

And if you really can’t find any try making a tradition, for example on Friday nights we have tapas or on Tuesdays we listen to Argentine Tango. (I’m really hoping someone starts salsa or Tango lessons locally!)

Have you searched out the Spanish connections in your community? I’d love to hear about them!

The information stand located in the woodland surrounding the Plas Glyn Y Weddw Estate
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